One of the features of the new site is to have a large database of PXI products for the site visitors to search. To simplify the initial process of adding products, I have attached a csv to upload multiple products simultaneously.
***** We recommend that you start by adding 5-10 products and send the list to be uploaded. After they have been uploaded, you can review the products and become familiar with how the products can be viewed. Once they have been uploaded successfully, you can send an additional lists of products to be added.****
Here are some helpful tips for some of the fields:
– Manufacturer – your company name
– Part Number/ SKU – different for each product.
– Product Name – Most include the Manufacturer at the beginning of the name to help identify the manufacturer in search results.
– Product Description – This is the product’s full description where you can have paragraphs of information.
– Short Description – keep below 144 characters
– Category – Here’s a list of common categories:
○ Digital I/O
○ Switch
○ Digitizer
○ Oscilloscope
○ Counter/Timer
○ RF Signal Generator
○ Digital Multimeter (DMM)
○ Upconvert / Downconverter
○ Power Meter / Spectrum Analyzer
○ AC Power Supply / DC Power Supply
○ Arbitrary Waveform / Function Generator
○ Chassis
Other Categories can be used also.
– Sub-Category – Create a sub-category if necessary.
– Standard – PXI or PXIe
– Product Tags – These can be anything that would help in searching for your product. Use as many as you would like for each product. Separate each tag with a comma. Some examples: 8 channels, 9 Slots, Gen 2.
– Product URL: This can be as simple be a link to the product on your website or as complex as a link that tracks that it came from the PXI website.
– Product Image – Please put the file name of the image that you provide for the product.
– Linked Products (SKU) – This is so you can connect your products to other similar products, like “Recommended for you” on Amazon. Add the SKU for products that you would like to link separated by commas. This should match the “Part Number/ SKU” of one or more of the products you would like to link.