Most Recent Newsletter
Cables, Pins and Connectors – PXI Test System Build Success
Submitted by MAC Panel Before choosing cables and connector’s for your next PXI based system, it’s important to clearly understand the real-world worst-case environment the test station will reside. For example, many environments are conducive to electromagnetic interference through radiation or conductivity, which can have an adverse effect on measurement quality. Another example environment could be an off-shore high humidity region where the factory manager tells you they are at...
Past Newsletters
Fundamentals of Building a Test System: Hardware and Measurement Abstraction Layers
Submitted by National Instruments Hardware abstraction layers (HALs) and measurement abstraction...
Applications That Benefit from PXI Oscilloscopes
Submitted by Keysight Technologies Oscilloscopes are primarily used for benchtop applications...
Delivering a Flexible Future Proof Avionics Test System
The cost of failure in the military and commercial avionics industry is extremely high: replacing...
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